Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to frequently asked questions below.
Despite our stringent quality control and attention to detail, occasionally a less than perfect product does get through our process. We call this a Fix-it. A Fix-it is a product or order that meets one or more of the following criteria:
– Material defect (a hole in a t-shirt or a chipped mug or tile for example).
– Incorrect product (we produced a t-shirt when a sweatshirt was ordered).
– Improperly produced (the artwork was reproduced incorrectly on the product).
– The product was missed on the order form and never produced.
Correcting a Fix-it is as easy as 1, 2, 3:
- Complete the top section of Form F.
- Write the order form number(s) of the affected order(s) in the space provided on Form F. If the defect is related to the artwork image (i.e, the artwork on the product is blurry, the color is not correct, there are shadow lines in the image, etc.) then you will need to send in both the artwork and a copy of the original order form.
- Clearly write out the problem in the space provided on Form F.
Fix-it’s receive priority handling and are typically returned to the school within two weeks of being received.
An additional Artwork Order is a follow-up order that is typically submitted after the main order. Additional Orders may include:
1. Orders resulting from missed deadlines or absences
2. Families wishing to purchase additional products
3. Artwork that has been returned unprocessed because it did not conform to our artwork guidelines. This artwork may be corrected and then resubmitted later as an additional order.
Each Additional Order shipment should include:
1. Shipping Form “C”
2. Original artwork
3. Completed order form
Original Works pays the shipping and handling for one additional order shipment. We can not guarantee holiday delivery of late orders. Once the additional order phase has been completed, parents may submit individual orders by using the Retail Order Form. A copy of this order form is included in the Coordinator’s Envelope and may be downloaded from the Individual/Personal Orders section of our web site.
If at the conclusion of the program a family wishes to submit an additional order, they may do so by sending in a retail order. A retail order is submitted directly to us, processed and then the completed products are returned directly to the family. You may process a retail order either by mail or electronically.
From our website Home page, select SHOP. You may choose to print the retail form to mail into us with the artwork and payment or you may follow the easy steps to process your order electronically. Please note that shipping & handling is charged on all retail orders. The completed order and original artwork (if applicable) will be returned in approximately 3-4 weeks.
If artwork was returned to the school unprocessed, the art did not conform to our art standards and/or instructions. A yellow sheet is included with the unprocessed artwork explaining why it was returned. Typical reasons for returning artwork unprocessed include the incorrect paper size, use of copyrighted images, use of glitter or metallic, etc. The best way to avoid returned artwork is to make sure that it conforms to the art instructions included in the Coordinator Guide.
The returned artwork can be corrected to meet our standards and then resubmitted during the order phase of a SBYB program or as an additional order in an OP program. The school is not charged for orders associated with artwork that has been returned. If the artwork and order is resubmitted then the school will be charged for the associated order.
Each artwork must have its own order form. In this situation write up a separate order form for the second piece of artwork and attach it to the correct artwork.
A copy of a blank order form is included in your Coordinator’s Guide. A copy is also provided on this site on the Downloadable Guides & Forms page; simply go to the OP or SBYB section, select the Blank Order Form, open the form and print it out.
Simply make a copy of the order form for your records and then attach the second copy of the order form to the back of the artwork and submit it for processing. The order form will be returned with the completed artwork and order.
No. All SBYB artwork must be submitted at the same time in order to have the preview magnets made. However, this artwork may be sent home with an order form (an order form is included in the Coordinator’s Guide and may be photocopied or you may download the form from this site) and brochure during the order phase so that the families may place orders during the order phase of the program.
No. For orders where only the SBYB magnet is being purchased there is no need to return the order form to us. Rather, simply tally the total number of magnets purchased and then include this in the “SBYB Magnets purchased” section of Shipping Form B.
The magnet packages arrive at the school two weeks after the artwork is received by Original Works. Each package will contain: original artwork, order form, and a customized Dear Family Letter, all contained in a biodegradable poly bag.
All artwork will be contained in one separate folder. Do not send the artwork home with the magnet packages as you will need to resubmit the artwork during the order phase of the program.
The magnet packages and artwork will be returned to you in the same order in which it was submitted to us. Therefore we recommend that you submit the artwork to us by class and grade so that the completed packages will come back to you in the same order. This will make it easy for you to distribute the packages to the appropriate teachers.
The completed orders will arrive to you organized in the same way that you sent them to us. Once again, since working by class and grade is typically the easiest way to track and distribute the orders, we strongly recommend that they be submitted to us in the same way.
When your order arrives, the orders are tallied and an invoice generated. This invoice is e-mailed & faxed to the contact you have provided, and clearly indicates total amount of order, itemized by product, any payment received with order and net amount due to Original Works.
Yes. If you provide an e-mail and/or fax number, we will send your invoice electronically.
When you send in 100% of money collected, we will issue your profit check within 10 business days of order processing. Partial over payments are generated and mailed to your organization within 45 days after date of invoice. The refund may be adjusted to account for any late orders.
No. You will receive a debit or credit memo reflecting any adjustments. We also issue statements, which show your account history and any outstanding balance.
Original Works is required to collect sales tax in the following states: California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. If you are located in one of these states, check with your business office to determine if this fundraiser is a taxable event. If you are not taxable, you need to send us your tax exempt or re-seller’s certificate. Without this form on file, we will charge sales tax.
Yes. We cannot accept any numbers given over the phone; we must have the physical form on file.
No. Families’ checks should be made out to your organization, as stated on the Dear Family Letter. One check for the full amount should be cut by your organization and made payable to Original Works.
Once you have collected the returned magnets, simply place them in a box and ship them via 4th
Class Mail to:
Stillwater, New York 12170