Blog » Art and Autism Awareness

Art and Autism Awareness

“True art is characterized by an irresistible urge in the creative artist”  ~Albert Einstein

 April is Autism Awareness month.  As an art-based fundraising company, what better way to wrap up the month than to provide an update on a recent collaboration between The Autism Society of America and the American Art Therapy Association.

Last year, the two organizations joined forces to develop a toolkit designed to provide art therapy information and resources to healthcare professionals and individuals on the Autism Spectrum.  The art making process outlined in the toolkit was designed to guide people in attaining enhanced communication and socialization, improving cognitive and motor skills and increasing their sense of empowerment.  Activities could then be designed to suit individual strengths and weaknesses, age and level of function.

Art therapy is believed to be a beneficial treatment because of it’s ability to surpass language barriers, gain self esteem, learn social cues, etc.  There are a host of resources available to inspire and assist those looking for additional details.  Two good places to start are and

In closing, we would like to share with you some artwork created by artists with autism.  As you will see, art can be an extraordinary outlet for individuals with Autism.

Nicknamed the Human Camera, one of the better known artists is Stephen Wiltshire.  He made headlines after being taken on a 20 minute helicopter ride over NYC and then drawing the skyline from memory!   As a child Stephen was mute, and did not relate to other people.  By aged three, he was diagnosed as autistic.  His primary means of communicating with the outside world has always been through drawing.  You can visit his website and see more of his incredible work.


At just 3 years old, Iris Grace Halmshaw had already sold several of her paintings.  She began painting as part of her autism therapy, and since that time has truly blossomed.  To view her full story and incredible artwork, visit her website.

Then take a few minutes to check out our Pinterest Board – Art and Autism  – to view other beautiful pieces of artwork created by some truly talented artists.

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