Blog » Art Educator Spotlight: Jasmine Cockrum-Valadez

Art Educator Spotlight: Jasmine Cockrum-Valadez

Art teacher Jasmine Cockrum-Valadez

Original Works continues to be a leader in the school fundraising space, helping schools across the USA create and implement successful fundraising programs.

Since 1989, we have designed our trusted, high quality programs and products to support teachers, fundraising coordinators, and families, while also providing a unique vehicle to raise more money for their schools.

We are delighted to introduce you to art teacher Jasmine Cockrum-Valadez in this edition of Meet The Fundraising Coordinator!

Meet The Fundraising Coordinator:

Name: Jasmine Cockrum-Valadez
Title: Program Coordinator
Experience With Original Works: New

Q. How long have you been volunteering to run the Original Works program at your school?

A. This is my first year ever running any sort of fundraising program and my second year of teaching.

Q. What was it that interested you in running an Original Works program?

A. Original Works was highly recommended by other art teachers in my district as one of the best fundraising programs over other companies. It was recommended for being very friendly, organized and giving back a higher percentage of what the school raises than other companies. I was interested in using Original Works because our school has practically grown overnight, and we need more materials for further art exploration.

Q. What do you see as some of the greatest benefits the children receive from participating in the program?

A. The greatest benefit I see for the students is that they are making a piece of art they are proud of and then it gets transformed into a keepsake. Their families and generations to come will have an artwork to always remember them by. I know this from experience, my grandmother still has her magnet she ordered over 18 years ago. She then framed my original artwork and gave it to me when I graduated.

Q. Do you have any particularly memorable experiences you would like to share with others about running the Original Works Program?

A. The most memorable moment I have is the excitement on the students faces when I told them we would be creating an artwork that their parents could then purchase on several different items. They had never done something like this and were super excited to start the fundraiser. I had several parents email me right away interested in purchasing and the fundraiser did not start for another few months. Also, the emails and kind words I received from parents and families after they received their items was a nice addition.

Q. The Original Works programs focus on creativity and self-esteem, while providing a vehicle for raising needed funds. What will your school be doing with the funds you raised from the Original Works program?

A. Our program will be using the funds to purchase more consumable supplies as well as new art supplies that help to better support our TEKS, curriculum and exploration of art in the classroom.

Q. Do you have anything you would like to share with current Program Coordinators or with others who are considering coordinating an Original Works program?

A. As a brand-new teacher and it being my first time running a fundraiser this was so well organized and was a breeze to run! If you are considering running a fundraiser at your school use Original Works. They send you reminders constantly and are VERY helpful! I have close to 875+ students and it was surprisingly easy with the companies help.

Thank you to Jasmine Cockrum-Valadez for sharing her time and perspective with us today, and for all she does to support the children and families at her school.

Contact us at 518-584-9278 to schedule your school fundraiser today! Better yet, download our FREE brochure here and let us help you get your fundraiser started!

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