Blog » Imagine the 2014 Color of the Year as a School Fundraising Theme

Imagine the 2014 Color of the Year as a School Fundraising Theme

“As the sun colors flowers, so does art color life.”  
~John Lubbock, Sr.

Do you follow the color trends?  Did you know that there is a color of the year?  So what exactly is the 2014 color you ask… Radiant Orchid.

According to Pantone, “Radiant Orchid blooms with confidence and magical warmth that intrigues the eye and sparks the imagination.  It is an expressive, creative and embracing purple- one that draws you in with its beguiling charm.  A captivating harmony of fuchsia, purple and pink undertones, Radiant Orchid emanates great joy, love and health.”

For more details, take a few minutes to read Pantone’s blog here:

Getting in the spirit of Radiant Orchid we created a Pinterest board with some ideas on projects that incorporate the color.  We encourage you to check it out, along with our other recent boards.

Will you be celebrating Radiant Orchid?  If so, how?

Perhaps at home you could consider purchasing new accessories in this trendy color, or go all out by painting an entire room in Radiant Orchid.  Now that would make a statement!

In the classroom set up a fun display and have students create art using various shades of purple.  Hold a Radiant Orchid Day, where students produce crafts featuring the color.

What are your thoughts on the color choice?  We think it is the perfect color for artwork on a t-shirt, a potholder or a magnet! Do you have other ideas on how to celebrate Radiant Orchid?  We would love to hear them, or even feature something you have already created!  Please email them to us or post directly on our Facebook page.

Check out some of the past years winners.  I wonder what 2015 will bring?

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