Blog » “Inspiration & genius – one and the same.”

“Inspiration & genius – one and the same.”

– Victor Hugo

One of the key roles of writing our blog is stated front and center at the start of each post – to inspire!

To that end, we would like to dedicate this week’s blog post to those who inspire us- the art educators who pour their heart and soul into teaching, challenging, stretching and exciting our youth.

As you may know, earlier this year we initiated a Good Works program through our website. The goal of this program is to encourage art educators to share their inspirational stories with us. Each month we are fortunate to have dozens of art educator write us to share with us why they do what they do. We then review the posts and pick one winner each month who receives $50.00 in art supplies, an art apron and $25.00 in cash. Believe us when we say picking a winner is not an easy task.

Following is a sample of the types of comments we receive from these dedicated art educators. We have also posted the winning entry for the month of October. So, without further delay, here is a sample of the answers we receive to the question – What inspires you about teaching art?

“I’m inspired by my students. Every child is unique and we all learn in different ways. I love seeing how my students problem solve and come up with multiple approach to completing a project.

I love learning from my kids. I grasp any opportunity I can for kids to teach in my classroom. Whether it’s to a small group, a full class demonstration, one-on-one or a quick tip someone comes up with during a lesson. Their faces light up when they are reminded that THEY are great teachers and they have something to contribute. It is my goal to empower children.”


“Teaching art to children is my lifelong goal. My number one goal is to teach confidence, kindness and respect while learning how to express themselves creating art. Seventeen years ago, I created a mouse (SneakyMouse). The first day of class, I teach them to draw simple lines to create his head. In 30 minutes they have drawn Sneaky Mouse. The joy on their faces is the reward for me. Thank you for creating this excellent program to help my students share their art with family & friends. Blessings to you all.”

– Kathy


“It is hard to choose one thing that inspires me about teaching art. I am very passionate about the importance of art, especially in our elementary schools. More than ever we need to teach our students to think creatively and problem solve. I believe those two things will drive the future work force. I am inspired by the fact that no matter what projects I create, the kids are excited. They ooh and ahh like I am creating magic and it is hard to find that kind of excitement with the many media outlines our children are exposed to these days. There are so many different ideas and media to use in art that I never get bored and I am truly excited to present each new project. I love what I do and that alone inspires me everyday to be the best art teacher I can be!

– Michele

I don’t think there is much I can add to these sentiments. Thank you Jessica, Kathy, Michele and everyone else who wrote in for your inspiring words of wisdom.


Click below to see our featured lesson plan of the week!

Proud as a Peacock

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