Blog » 5 Tips to Make Sure Your Original Works Fundraising Program is a Hit

5 Tips to Make Sure Your Original Works Fundraising Program is a Hit

The time and effort that goes into some fundraisers can be daunting. That’s why we have designed our programs to be easy to run, yet flexible enough to be tailored to your fundraising needs.  Over the years, we have assisted schools with running thousands of programs, and our proven approach generates rave reviews from volunteers, teachers, and administrators across the country.

In addition, our Customer Care Team will help you every step of the way to build strong parent/student engagement and generate outstanding sales for your school or organization. Following are five tips from our team, designed to ensure your fundraiser is as successful as possible.

Here are five tips from the team, designed to ensure your fundraiser is as successful as possible:

Set and share clear goals: Make sure it’s clear to parents what the goal of the campaign is and why their child is raising money. Is it for a new school program, playground equipment, or band uniforms? When parents understand and support your fundraiser, it is easier to encourage them to spread the word and share information about it with friends and through social media.

Create a buzz: Getting the word out in advance of your fundraiser lays the groundwork for good results. Publicize it in the school newsletter, on the district website, and on any school-affiliated social media. Make sure to send the “Look What’s Coming” letter home in advance so families know what to expect and are ready to participate. Successful promotion has a direct impact on program participation, which in turn leads to more profits for your program.

Boost engagement with incentives: A great way to get your school motivated for a fundraiser is by offering incentives. These don’t have to be expensive, and might include things ranging from an ice cream party for the classroom with the highest sales, to special privileges such as front-of-the-line passes. If your principal is a good sport, set a fundraising target where he or she will kiss a pig, dress up in a costume, or do so some other creative stunt if students raise a certain amount of money.

Leverage social media: You don’t need to be a social media expert to create engagement and promote your Original Works program. A general rule of thumb is to post early and often. Capture the start of your program to show the students’ excitement and anticipation, and then post regularly as your program continues.  Moments to focus on include Supply Box arrival, Artwork creation, and Product arrival and distribution.

Get the art right: Good artwork, like strong communication, is key to a successful program.  As you create your artwork, it’s critical to refer to the art instructions for recommended media and tips. Following simple steps will avoid issues with lost/missing artwork or with having images printed incorrectly. Keep in mind that if the final product you deliver makes parents and students happy, it will not only make your fundraiser a success, but also create a strong customer base for the next one.

For more tips on promoting the program, communicating with your families, creating great artwork, and so much more, visit our Customer Care Site at

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