5 Tips to Avoid Fundraiser Fatigue
Blog » 5 Tips to Avoid Fundraiser Fatigue

5 Tips to Avoid Fundraiser Fatigue

This week we are excited to feature a guest blogger Jessica Sanders,  the Director of Social Outreach for Learn2Earn.   She shares “5 Tips to Avoid Fundraiser Fatigue”

Fundraiser fatigue affects everyone: students, teachers, parents, volunteers administrators and donors.  Luckily, you don’t have to sacrifice much to avoid this common problem.  Here are five ways you can mitigate fundraiser fatigue while still raising the money your school needs.

1. Set Reasonable Timelines

 With long fundraisers, fatigue can set in mid-event, which lowers your chances of raising money during the second half of the fundraiser. Avoid this burnout by setting reasonable timelines for fundraisers. At Learn2Earn, we recommend coordinators plan events that last 2 to 4 weeks. We’ve found that this is just enough time to raise money without losing students and donors to lack of interest.

2. Choose Fundraisers Kids and Teachers Love

Invested teachers and excited students are critical to your fundraiser success: teachers motivate students in class, which in turn encourages kids to raise more money.

Poll your staff of teachers at the end of every school year about what fundraisers they liked most, which ones their students liked most, and if there are any they want to try the following year. Use this to make decisions that will benefit everyone and reduce fundraiser fatigue.

3. Make the Fundraiser Fun

You can avoid fundraiser fatigue among students by making it fun:

  • Provide periodic incentives and reminders.
  • Plan a fun kick-off.
  • Hold a mid-event party to keep energy and interest high.

 4. Don’t Be Afraid to Branch Out

 Sure, your school is used to the process of setting up and running the same annual fall fundraiser every year. But, as with anything in life, variety is key.  Why not consider adding a fundraiser that offers something different than the same old programs?  An online read-a-thon or  art basedfundraiser could be just the ticket.

5. Be Volunteer Savvy

 To keep volunteers fresh and energetic, set up small committees of volunteers that you can rotate between different fundraisers or events.  Also consider enlisting the assistance of local students.  Many  middle or high schools have service clubs whose members volunteer within the community.  Partnering with them relieves some of the burden on parent volunteers, while also fulfilling the role of the service club.

Fundraising fatigue can be a factor in any school.  However, taking advantage of these few simple tips can mitigate the issue and enable you to manage multiple fundraisers while maintaining a happy and energetic group of volunteers.

Bio: Jessica Sanders is the Director of Social Outreach for Learn2Earn, an online fundraising platform that allows students raise money by reading books. She grew up reading books like The Giver and Holes, and is passionate about making reading as exciting for young kids today as it has always been for her. Follow Learn2Earn on Twitter and Facebook, and send content inquiries to social@learn2earn.org.

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