Blog » 7 Tips for Choosing The Right School Fundraiser!

7 Tips for Choosing The Right School Fundraiser!

It’s that time again when teachers are opening up their classrooms, evaluating their needs, and deciding what type or how many fundraisers they will want to do this year.  When it comes to fundraising programs for schools, churches and organizations, choosing the right one is key.


Some things to consider:

How much time do you have?

The beginning of a new school year is filled with tasks in a fast-paced environment where teachers, parents, and administration have little time to spend researching, planning, and executing fundraisers for students. Original Works provides everything you need to get up and running! From paper and lesson plans, to a speedy delivery of the finished product, our fundraising programs are designed to launch quickly and seamlessly. Our Original Works Account Managers work closely with you from start to finish to make sure you have everything you need!

What kind of fundraiser will get the most student/parent/community engagement?

Amid a sea of fundraising efforts from many schools, community and religious organizations, creating a Stand Out fundraiser requires unique products and ideas.  Our experience in bringing distinct and exceptional strategies to art based fundraising results in interest and action. Choosing the right school fundraiser doesn’t have to be a drawn out or difficult process. These 7 tips for choosing the right school fundraiser will help you determine exactly what to look for, what questions to ask, and how to plan a quick and simple school fundraiser that will work for everyone!

Help: Who ‘Ya Gonna Call?

One of the most difficult parts of running a fundraiser is the “crew”.  How much support do you need, from what sources, and how will you get it? At Original Works, we have been creating and supporting efforts for nearly 3 decades; we have the experience to support you in implementing the mostschool fundraising safe and successful fundraiser with the least amount of manpower.

7 Tips for Choosing The Right School Fundraiser

  1. Simplicity: Keeping it simple – particularly in the first part of the school year – can be key; complex administrative tasks or chaos in creative planning and fundraising management can stall any fundraising plan.  Designate a fundraising team with each member responsible for specific tasks clearly outlined in writing.
  2. Participation: How much engagement can students and the school community provide? Look for a program that is focused on what matters to your prospective participants: parents, grandparents and community. Fundraising programs where students take an active role and family involvement is high, are more successful, fun and profitable.
  3. Budget – Be clear about what your budget is for setting up and running a fundraiser. Fundraisers with low or no start-up costs allow you to keep more of the money you earn, and may be easier to obtain approval.  Setting a budget up front also helps to maintain the momentum as you progress, and alleviate any stress.
  4. Profit: Understand up front what percentage you will receive and any costs associated. The right fundraising company will balance smart, cost-effective ways to maximize profits, while minimizing work for staff and parents, and delivering a high quality overall experience.
  5. The best solution for you: With so many schools and organizations competing for funding dollars, the fundraising product and program you select can make or break your fundraising. With door-to-door fundraising no longer an option, different or unique items that  best fit your donor demographic are better received by a fundraising-weary community. In addition, many companies offer features such as online ordering and home delivery, which can improve the fundraising experience while reducing the overall work.
  6. Choose carefully: Spend time up front making sure what you receive from your fundraiser is in proportion to the time you need to invest. What is the program turn-around time? What is included?  What references can they provide you? Visit their website and social media sites, and look for reviews from past customers.
  7. Fundraiser Support: When you’re shopping for a fundraising program, it’s important to ask questions about the type of support they provide. Will they work directly with you to manage the program? Will they bring their products to present to your school groups? Will they provide you with 1:1 access to a customer service representative?

Student Benefits

Fundraisers aren’t just about funds, but also provide an opportunity for kids to learn about giving back and the benefits of philanthropy.  Choosing a program where they are invested in the process brings added value in the form of character development, creativity, leadership skills and much more. Even the youngest students benefit from inclusion and involvement in a fundraising program.

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