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How to Write A School Fundraising Letter To Parents

A Sample School Fundraising Letter To Parents:

Getting parents on board with your school fundraising efforts relies heavily on communication, and the best way to ensure a smooth dialog with parents is often to reach out to them directly with the pertinent information. Creating the right school fundraising letter to parents rather than relying on students to inform them – or even to bring home a letter for their parents – leaves too much potential for things to go amiss. Instead, write a letter to parents and either email it to them directly, or mail a hard copy to their home.

A succinct, carefully composed school fundraising letter provides the medium for explaining the mission of the fundraiser, the means in which it will be carried out, and the pertinent dates for the pickup and submission of materials and donations. Be sure to explain in detail how the donations will be spent, and provide clear contact information for you or whoever is running the fundraiser.

Tips For Writing A Fundraising Letter To Parents

Some other details to include in the letter to parents may be:

  • When to pick up sale items
  • How to collect the money
  • Key selling dates
  • Fundraising safety tips, in the event children are doing the selling.
  • Also, be sure to follow-up after the fundraiser with a thank you letter to every parent who volunteered, as well as to all who participated.

Here’s a sample school fundraising letter to provide you with a rough framework for crafting your own letter. The areas enclosed in brackets [like this] are the places where you’ll need to insert your own personal details for the event, and other specific related information:

Sample Fundraising Letter to Parents:


Dear [Name of Parent]:

Each year our school relies upon holding fundraisers to help pay for the many excellent educational opportunities we offer to the student body. This year, our goal is to [insert goal here].
The purpose of this letter is to both inform you of our fundraising mission, as well as to potentially enlist your help. There are multiple ways parents can volunteer in order to assist with the fundraiser, and/or we will happily accept any donation(s) you are kind enough to offer. We are asking each student to create special artwork for this project. So, be on the lookout as you will then have the opportunity to order a variety of useful items, all professionally made and featuring your child’s masterpiece!

Please contact me at [email address] or [phone] for further details about the Original Works fundraiser or to ask any questions you may have.

Our targeted goal is to reach [dollar amount].

I’m looking forward to working with you and your child during the fundraising campaign. Thank you for your support!


[Sender’s Name]
Fundraising Coordinator

At Original Works, providing information on how to write a school fundraising letter to parents is just one small way we want to help  make your fundraiser fun and successful!  All of our proven fundraising programs come with the help and support you need to create a stand out fundraiser!

Contact us for a free Original Works brochure, or to reserve your spot on our fundraising schedule!

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