

Fun January Facts & Trivia

About The Month Of January The New Year has begun! It’s time to leave the past behind and focus on a fresh start. This time of year is fun and busy for teachers, parents, and students. Check out these fun facts that will help boost your mood and encourage you to dive into the New

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Fun November Facts & Trivia

From blustery weather and breaking out the winter clothes, to the colors, smells and tastes of Thanksgiving, it’s a busy and fun time for students, teachers and parents!  Check out these fun facts that will help make your November extra special! Basic November Facts: November is the 11th month of the year and the last

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Top 5 Christmas Fundraising Tips

Christmas is a great time for a holiday-themed fundraiser, especially since many are in the spirit of giving at this time of year. Seizing hold of this opportunity, paired with smart planning, can go a long way toward meeting your year-end/winter fundraising goals. Here are the top five tips for making your Christmas fundraiser a

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Fall Fundraising Ideas

  Fundraising Ideas For Fall Autumn is a super busy time for schools!  Kids are getting back into the classroom and settling into their routines. It’s also time for setting up fall sports, starting up clubs and organizations, and coming up with their fall fundraising ideas. Autumn is arguably “the season” for fundraisers  in public,

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